Need Food? Make an appointment
We are open every weekday from 12:30-4:30pm and on Tuesdays and Thursdays we stay open until 7pm.
To reduce the number of people in the building at once, clients need to make an appointment to come do their shopping. Click the white button above to make an appointment.
However, any new client is welcome at any time. Just stop by our pantry when we are open to get registered, or give us a call to get signed up.
Want to donate?
See wishlist below:
Shelf stable ​
Pasta - any variety
Canned vegetables
Canned fruit
Canned soup
Canned meat - fish, chicken, pork
Cereal - any variety
1lb sugar or flour individually packaged
Cooler/freezer (needs to be delivered directly to Pantry)
Ground beef
Non Food
Toilet Paper
Laundry detergent
Bar soap
Dish soap
Get Food
Anyone who lives in Iowa can come to the pantry for food each week during our open hours, starting at 12:30 Mon - Fri.
We know visiting a food pantry for the first time can be intimidating, but it's simple! We'll need your name, birthdate, address, and the names and ages of people who live with you. That's it!
We have great volunteers who assist our Pantry in achieving our Mission - we couldn't do what we do without their volunteering time and energy.
And yes, we are always looking to add to our team! We have several opportunities and flexible schedules to meet the busy lives of our volunteers. Consider how you might be able to help with our important work of addressing food insecurity and reducing food waste in our community.

Our donors make this whole thing possible. We can buy food very affordably with your gift of money, but your gifts of food and fresh produce also make a big difference. Gifts of food should be left in the donation boxes outside our facility. To arrange a large or commercial donation, email contact@decorahpantry.org
who we are
We are a faith-based, non-profit charity organization serving thousands and thousands of clients who need food and other basic essentials. We are almost entirely volunteer-driven (there's more than 100 of us!) and operate with extremely low overhead. When you support our organization, you should feel good knowing that your generosity means your neighbors in need have access to good nutrition.