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Online ordering instructions-


You can order online on your smart phone, iPad, or computer. If you don’t have Internet access, you can call 1-800-503-2330 Monday through Friday between 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm.  Instructions to shop online are below.


  1. Get your username directly from the Food Pantry.

  2. Go to

  3. Enter your username to sign in.

  4. The next screen will be the list of items that you have to choose from. 

  5. Begin ordering.


Choose the items in the order you would prefer them. As you choose an item you will see that they will be numbered. The packers will give you the number 1 item in each category (if we have them in stock), if an item is not available, we will go to the second item you chose.


If you want to change the preference order of items, click on the item and the number will disappear. Scroll through each page to order the items you want.  You will receive the food amounts our pantry has chosen for your family size.  At the bottom of the page you will be directed to schedule the date and time you want to pick up your items. Choose the date by clicking on the arrows. Choose the time by clicking on the time. If it is “grayed out”, that time has been chosen by another shopper. Scroll to bottom of page to finish order.


You will see a verification of the date and time your order will be ready. Please note: you MUST bring your identification card with you, as this will verify that you are receiving the items you ordered.


*For those who don’t have Internet, you can call 800-503-2330 Monday through Friday, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm.  Please have your inventory list available before you make the call. 


Spanish speakers can call 800-503-2330 on Sunday night from 7pm to 9 pm.

Conéctese con nosotros 

Estamos ubicados en 110 Railroad Street en Decorah, Iowa.

Correo: PO Box 26, Decorah, IA 52101





Horas de despensa

Lun, mar, mié, jue, vie 1-3

Jue 1-6

Martes cerrado

Cerrado por algunos días festivos

Cerrado con mal tiempo

Información de cierre

Cerramos cuando las escuelas de haga clic aquí para obtener información actual sobre el cierre


No estamos abiertos: Día de Año Nuevo, Día de los Caídos, Viernes Santo, Día de la Independencia, Día del Trabajador, Dia de Accion de Gracias y el dia despues, Nochebuena, Navidad, Nochevieja

Nuestra misión: Como organización religiosa, Decorah Community Food Pantry comparte alimentos con los habitantes de Iowa que enfrentan inseguridad alimentaria. Nos esforzamos por interactuar con los clientes de una manera acogedora y respetuosa.  


Declaración de no discriminación: esta institución es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. Haga clic aquí para saber más.


© 2020 Decorah Area Community Pantry

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